Chuck-Fit WOD 8/18/2015 — Leg Day!

Happy Tuesday! Leg WOD!


100 push-ups
30 dips
5 x 7.5# wrist rollers–both directions

Main Workout:
15 min light jog or stationary bike
2:00 wall sit
2 x 10 deadlifts (30% 1RM)
3 x 10 squat jumps (jumpies)
3 x 25 body weight squats
3 x 10 box jumps 24″
3 x 25 swiss ball hamstring curl
3 x 10 burpees
3 x 25 calf raises on a step
2 x 10 deadlifts (30% 1RM)
Wall sit to exhaustion

In the past I’ve given you 2 ways to do this routine. I’m not giving you the option–do the more advanced approach. Super set by alternating between an explosive and slow exercise. Still leaving the deadlifts at the beginning and the end. Example:

2:00 wall sit
2 x 10 deadlifts
1 x 10 squat jumps
1 x 25 bw squats
1 x 10 squat jumps
1 x 25 bw squats
1 x 10 squat jumps
1 x 25 bw squats
1 x 10 box jumps
1 x 25 sb hamstring curls
and so on…

Post the time of your final wall sit.

Coach Charlie

Chuck-Fit WOD 8/17/2015 — Rower’s Hell w/Lunges

It’s only appropriate to have Monday’s WOD contain the word Hell…

100 push-ups
30 dips
5 x 7.5# wrist rollers–both directions
10 pull-ups

Main workout:

Rower’s Hell, 10 rounds for time.
250m erg (substitute with a 1:00 hard run or stationary bike)
10 x lunges — 1 lunge = both legs.

30 minutes cardio or a 5k erg.

Post your time.

Coach Charlie