Tampa Athletic Club Rowing Scrimmages – Sunday, April 13, 2014
Below are a series of videos from the scrimmage practice held on Sunday, April 13, 2014 by The Tampa Athletic Club. The scrimmages were between a mixed Masters 4 and a women Masters novice 8. I mounted a GoPro on the stern of the 4.
The first video is of the 4 practicing racing starts.
This is the video of the first race.
Here is the second race. The 8 took off early and had about 30m on the 4 at the start. The 4 quickly closed that gap.
Here is the final race. Again the 8 had a head start that was quickly eliminated. I did make a little editing mistake and the title screen for this video says it’s race 2.
It was a great day to be on the water and our novice rowers are doing great!