Chuck-Fit WOD 7/20/2015 — Monday Leg Day

Good morning, USF Crew!

Here is your WOD!

Let’s start the week off with a good leg workout!

100 push-ups
30 dips
5 x 7.5# wrist rollers–both directions
10 pull-ups

Main Workout:
15 min light jog or stationary bike
2 x 50 walking lunges
3 x 10 squat jumps (jumpies)
3 x 25 body weight squats
3 x 10 box jumps 24″
3 x 25 swiss ball hamstring curl
3 x 10 burpees
3 x 25 calf raises on a step
2 x 50 walking lunges

There are 2 ways to do this routine. Note that I alternate between slow and explosive exercises. Be sure you do them in order. The first way to do this routine is to complete the exercises in order with a 30-45 second rest in between each set. A more advanced approach is to super set by alternating between an explosive and slow exercise. Still leaving the lunges at the beginning and the end. Example:

2 x 50 lunges
1 x 10 squat jumps
1 x 25 bw squats
1 x 10 squat jumps
1 x 25 bw squats
1 x 10 squat jumps
1 x 25 bw squats
1 x 10 box jumps
1 x 25 sb hamstring curls
and so on…

Here is a video demonstrating the ham string curl:

Post which variation you decided to do and how it felt. Enjoy your workout!

Coach Charlie

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