Chuck-Fit WOD 7/20/2015 — Monday Leg Day

Good morning, USF Crew!

Here is your WOD!

Let’s start the week off with a good leg workout!

100 push-ups
30 dips
5 x 7.5# wrist rollers–both directions
10 pull-ups

Main Workout:
15 min light jog or stationary bike
2 x 50 walking lunges
3 x 10 squat jumps (jumpies)
3 x 25 body weight squats
3 x 10 box jumps 24″
3 x 25 swiss ball hamstring curl
3 x 10 burpees
3 x 25 calf raises on a step
2 x 50 walking lunges

There are 2 ways to do this routine. Note that I alternate between slow and explosive exercises. Be sure you do them in order. The first way to do this routine is to complete the exercises in order with a 30-45 second rest in between each set. A more advanced approach is to super set by alternating between an explosive and slow exercise. Still leaving the lunges at the beginning and the end. Example:

2 x 50 lunges
1 x 10 squat jumps
1 x 25 bw squats
1 x 10 squat jumps
1 x 25 bw squats
1 x 10 squat jumps
1 x 25 bw squats
1 x 10 box jumps
1 x 25 sb hamstring curls
and so on…

Here is a video demonstrating the ham string curl:

Post which variation you decided to do and how it felt. Enjoy your workout!

Coach Charlie

Chuck-Fit WOD 7/14/2015 — 20 Minutes of Pain Part 2

Good Morning USF rowers!

For today’s WOD, we’re doing circuit two of the dreaded Hour of Pain workout with 30 minutes of cardio.

100 push-ups
30 dips
5 x 7.5# wrist rollers–both directions

Main workout:
10 minute warmup — a light erg or stationary bike is good for this routine

Hour of Pain Circuit 2
This circuit is five exercises; squat jumps, press ups, burpees, sit ups and running. Start with ten squat jumps, then run 30m, do ten press ups, run back and do 11 squat jumps, followed by a 30m run, then 11 press ups. Continue until you have completed 25 reps on both squat jumps and press ups. Replace squat jumps with burpees and press ups with sit ups. Starting at ten reps work up to 25 reps again.

10–>25 Squat jump
30m Run
10–>25 Push-ups
30m Run

10–>25 Burpees
30m Run
10–>25 Sit-ups
30m Run

30 minutes cardio of your choice, medium effort.


Coach Charlie

Chuck-Fit WOD 7/12/2015 — Rest Day

Hey Gang!

Sundays are always rest days. Enjoy time with your friends and family today. Just because the WOD is a rest day, still have an active day. Take a walk with your significant other, grab a football and head out with your buddies. Have a great day!

Also, I forgot to post yesterday’s WOD.

I like to make Saturdays long cardio days. The WOD for 7/11/2015 is:

100 push-ups
30 dips
5 x 7.5# wrist rollers–both directions
10 pull-ups

Main workout:
1 hour of your favorite cardio–like the erg, a run, a fitness paced bike ride, or treadmill.

Post your distance.

Coach Charlie

Chuck-Fit WOD 7/10/2015 — 20 Minutes of Pain

Good Morning USF oarsmen and oarswomen!

For today’s WOD, we’re doing circuit one of the dreaded Hour of Pain workout with 30 minutes of cardio.

100 push-ups
30 dips
5 x 7.5# wrist rollers–both directions

Main workout:
10 minute warmup — a light erg is good for this routine

Hour of Pain Circuit 1
This circuit is six exercises completed with a 45# weight bar and a bench–women may use a lighter body bar. Each exercise is done continuously for one minute and the circuit is repeated three times with 60 seconds of rest between each set.

3 rounds:
60 sec. standing Bicep Curls
60 sec. sitting Press Behind the Neck
60 sec. lying Bench Press
60 sec. lying Triceps Press
60 sec. standing Bent Over Rows
60 sec. standing Straight Arm Canoeing
60 sec. rest

30 minutes cardio of your choice–medium effort

Here are descriptions of the exercises:

Bicep Curls

Method: Hold the bar in front on your thighs with the palms of the hand pointing upwards. Bend your arms upward bringing the bar to the chest as close to the body as possible. Lower in a controlled manner back to the start position.

Press Behind the Neck

Method: Sitting with your back upright start with the bar resting on your shoulders. Straighten your arms, lifting the bar to above your head. Lower slowly to the start position.

Bench Press

Method: Lying flat on your back on a firm bench, knees bent and feet on the floor, letting the bar rest across your chest. Hold the bar with your palms forward and your arms bent then extend your arms upwards and hold the bar above your chest. The bar should be raised and lowered vertically. Lower the bar to the start position but do not let the bar rest on the chest between exercises.

Triceps Press

Method: Start with the bar held above your chest, with your arms straight. Bend at the elbows lowering the bar until the forearms are horizontal. Then lift the weight back to the start position.

Bent Over Rows

Method: With your knees slightly bent, body at 45°, raise the bar from straight arms to the chest. Keep the body as still as possible.

Straight Arm Canoeing

Method: Standing upright, hold the bar in front of you with straight arms. Rotate the bar in a canoeing action so that each end creates large circles.

Have a good workout!

Coach Charlie

Chuck-Fit WOD 7/9/2015 — Leg Day

Good morning, USF Crew!

Here is your WOD!

Nothing beats a good leg day! I’m a huge fan of body weight work, even on legs. I used to squat 315 and do leg presses with 14 plates. Now, I’m here with a prosthetic knee…

100 push-ups
30 dips
5 x 7.5# wrist rollers–both directions
10 pull-ups

Main Workout:
15 min light jog or stationary bike
2 x 50 walking lunges
3 x 10 squat jumps (jumpies)
3 x 25 body weight squats
3 x 10 box jumps 24″
3 x 25 swiss ball hamstring curl
3 x 10 burpees
3 x 25 calf raises on a step
2 x 50 walking lunges

There are 2 ways to do this routine. Note that I alternate between slow and explosive exercises. Be sure you do them in order. The first way to do this routine is to complete the exercises in order with a 30-45 second rest in between each set. A more advanced approach is to super set by alternating between an explosive and slow exercise. Still leaving the lunges at the beginning and the end. Example:

2 x 50 lunges
1 x 10 squat jumps
1 x 25 bw squats
1 x 10 squat jumps
1 x 25 bw squats
1 x 10 squat jumps
1 x 25 bw squats
1 x 10 box jumps
1 x 25 sb hamstring curls
and so on…

Here is a video demonstrating the ham string curl:

Post which variation you decided to do and how it felt. Enjoy your workout!

Coach Charlie

Chuck-Fit WOD 7/8/2015 — The 2k Test, Here Comes the Pain

Hey Everybody!

Short but tough WOD today.

Rowing is a sport of extreme fitness. This endeavor requires cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, muscle endurance, mental toughness and pain tolerance. There is no better test of these characteristics than the 2k erg test. It hurts, and it hurts a lot if done right. Doing it right requires some preparation. To quote Yogi Berra, the 2k test “is 90% mental — the other half is physical”. Let’s break the it down.

The best way to tackle a 2k erg is to keep the pace consistent. Find your goal split and keep it there. During the first 250m, the nervous energy wears off and you find your pace before lactic acid returns to your legs and they begin to complain. This happens around 350m and the piece starts getting fun. Hold your split. if it begins to jump around, settle down and find the happy spot. At 500m in, take a Power 10, take 10 strokes dropping your split 2 or 3 seconds. This opens the toughest 500m of the piece. It takes mental toughness to hold the split because it hurts and your not even half way done! It’s make or break–if you back off for a few strokes here, your piece will crash and burn.

At the 1000m mark, take a power 20. Your here and alive and kicking MAXIMUM ASS! ATTACK! Races are won in the middle.

900m is a liberation, your holding your split and you’re more than half way done. Hold the split until 700m and drop it a second. You’ll see you average split drop after a few strokes. Ready for the last 500m?

At 500m, power 20, drop it 2, DO NOT DROP BELOW YOUR GOAL SPLIT WHEN THE POWER 20 IS OVER! Carry that power to the last 200m. The last 200m, you empty the tank. Expend all of your reserves. Stay long in the legs and don’t shorten your stroke. Your legs are burning and cramping, short stroking is the easy way out! Don’t do it!

Once you hit zero and are done, paddle it out. Revel in you 2k test!

Post your times.

Coach Charlie